Category: Counseling

  • How to Make the Holiday Season Special on a Budget

    If finances are tight, you may be worrying about how to make the holiday season special for your loved ones while sticking to your budget. Offer yourself the gentle reminder that the holidays are really about love, not money, and that the gift of your time is truly the most precious thing you can offer…

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  • My Mother Was Right

    Hopefully you won’t roll your eyes at this blog post the way I used to roll my eyes at my mother when she was doling out her sage advice. When I was growing up, I was quite certain my mother knew absolutely nothing and I knew absolutely everything. Her advice would go in one ear…

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  • Anchor Your Days with Mindfulness

    If you’ve heard the term mindfulness but have never been properly introduced to the concept, you may wonder exactly what it means. Jon Kabat Zinne defines it as, “Paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.” The practice of mindfulness can improve your experience of life dramatically. It is so…

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  • I Want to Be the Person My Dogs Think I Am

    Jennifer Aniston and Lady Gaga may have more money in the bank, firmer abs, and better PR, but they’ve got nothing on me when it comes to adoring fans. Every day when I come home, Gus and Yogi, my Australian Shepherd and Corgi, welcome me like I’m the greatest human being they’ve ever met. Now…

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  • Fighting the Childhood Obesity Epidemic

    In the short span of one generation, childhood obesity in the U.S. has tripled. Experts warn that with obesity rates for children and adolescents hovering between 17-18%, today’s youth are at great risk than ever before for developing long-term health problems. It is becoming increasingly important for parents, teachers, medical providers, and anyone else who…

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  • Get Up! Get Out! Get Moving!

    Now is the time to learn healthy habits. Turn off the electronics and rediscover an active, healthy lifestyle. Learn accountability and success through exercise and nutrition which includes creating and taste testing healthier food options. This 4-week program is led by Devon Herndon, Counselor, Educator, and Certified Personal Trainer. Cost for the 4-week, small group…

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  • Life Coaching Can Transform Your Life

    Life Coaching Can Transform Your Life  

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  • Coaching vs. Counseling

    How is Coaching Different from Therapy? Therapy focuses on healing and unresolved psychological issues of the past.Coaching begins with the “now” and assists clients in setting very clear, and specific goals that they want to achieve in the future. A common misconception is that coaching and therapy is the same, when they are in fact…

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  • Stress Management for the Holidays

    Stress Management for the Holidays With holidays come stress. Why do we let ourselves become so stressed out?  How can we manage our stress? Whether by wanting to create the perfect holiday, finding the right gift, dealing with family members who all want things their way, or just trying to make everyone happy on top…

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