Category: Counseling

  • Are You Holding Yourself Accountable in Reaching Your Goals?

    In my counseling work I am always striking a balance between offering my clients guidance and direction while also holding them accountable in reaching their own goals. My trainer does the same thing with me. Here’s a conversation I had with my trainer recently: Carolyn: Devon, why do you have candy in your office? Me:…

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  • Your Diagnosis is Not a Life Sentence

    Mental and emotional health are very personal issues. So it isn’t at all surprising that so many people relate to their diagnosis in a way that feels not only permanent, but as if they are the diagnosis. No matter what condition you currently have, you are more than your diagnosis. If you had cancer, you…

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  • Staying Connected in the Technical Age

    Originally, the use of technology seemed like it would make staying connected to each other easier than ever. After all, the majority of our technological advances, from cell phones with texting, to the internet with endless social media platforms, all seem to revolve around communicating with other people. So how is it that with so…

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  • Release Trauma with EMDR

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy is recognized as an effective treatment method for PTSD and other forms of painful memories and associations by the American Psychiatric Society and the Department of Defense. EMDR’s efficacy has been studied extensively, and more than twenty randomized studies have shown it to be effective in the treatment of…

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  • Out with the Old – In with Less Junk

    Spring has sprung, which means it’s time for most of us to begin that age-old ritual of spring cleaning, A.K.A. “How the heck did I collect all of this junk and what am I going to do with it?” I am a firm believer in spring cleaning. Some years I don’t begin spring cleaning until…

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  • Dealing with Loss of Ability

    Dealing with the loss of physical or mental capabilities is never an easy process. In fact, many people experience the same stages of grief that are typically associated with the death of a loved one. It is normal to experience sadness, rage, disbelief, and helplessness. It’s normal, but that doesn’t mean that it’s easy. While…

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  • The Benefits of Colonics

    Unless one is speaking of punctuation, uttering the word colon is considered an offense as heinous as bribing a politician or lying to nuns. But in this day and age, why is colon health such an embarrassing topic? Most likely because the colon is involved in a very personal bodily function and most people want…

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  • The More You Cry, the Less You Have to Pee

    The More You Cry, the Less You Have to Pee That’s a favorite quote of my Dad’s, who was always pulling out some classic one-liners. I’ll use his line with my clients sometimes and it usually gets a good laugh out of them, although my intention for using the line is to encourage clients to…

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  • Sandplay Therapy Is for Everyone

    Sandplay therapy, which many people tend to think of as being solely for use with children, can be beneficial to people of all ages, and for all sorts of purposes. If you’re unfamiliar with the methodology, you should know that it is a gentle, effective way to heal the subconscious mind in a non-judgmental atmosphere,…

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  • Sticks and Stones?

    Words Matter More Than You Might Imagine We’re all familiar with the old childhood chant of, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Surely, it was a well-intentioned refrain, meant to empower children to endure emotional bullying, but the simple fact is that it just isn’t true. The words…

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