How Major Life Transitions Can Help You to Create Better Habits
How Major Life Transitions Can Help You to Create Better Habits by Jennifer Scott, SpiritFinder.org Major life transitions like moving…
How to Thrive as a Couple in the Face of Sudden Change
by Jennifer Scott, SpiritFinder.org Sudden life changes can rock just about any relationship to the core. Whether you’re dealing with…
Toxic Terms: 10 Things Never to Say to Kids…But What You Can Say Instead
From a young age, children are told that while sticks and stones can break their bones, words can never hurt…
Grandma’s Tortillas
Gramita’s Tortillas is a children’s book written by New Mexico native, Maria Gomez. Maria describes Gramita’s Tortillas as a passion…
For Love or Money: The Benefits of Pursuing a Hobby
by Jennifer Scott, SpiritFinder.org For Love or Money: The Benefits of Pursuing a Hobby Hobbies are amazing things: They’re an…
Human Ingenuity and Endurance — The Bright Side of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us in many different ways. In just a handful of weeks, it has already changed…
BeMeBetter’s Response to COVID-19
Our practice already follows stringent health and safety requirements including frequent sanitizing of our office and infection control procedures known…
Take Steps to Avoid the Holiday Anxiety Trap
Anxiety can be at its worst during the holiday season, and those with panic, anxiety, stress, depression and other mood…
The Joys of Motherhood – 3 Life Lessons I Learned from My 12 Kids
I’m not technically a mother, though I do have many kids – 12 to be exact. We have goats. 8…