BeMeBetter’s Response to COVID-19

Our practice already follows stringent health and safety requirements including frequent sanitizing of our office and infection control procedures known as Universal Precautions. We have additionally taken steps to increase the frequency of deep cleaning and infection control.

We implemented Immunocompromised Protocol in July 2019. In March, we implemented CDC-recommended client and visitor screening questions and we are not allowing client sessions with any symptoms of illness to come into our practice. We will ensure that clients will have options in order to stay connected.

Additionally, all clients and visitors will have access to hand hygiene upon entrance into our lobby and studios.

You are an essential part of our practice. However, we ask that you, family or friends refrain from in-person visits if you or they are currently or have recently been ill or if they have had close contact with a potentially contagious person.


  1. Have you had a fever within the past 24 hours?
  2. Do you have symptoms of a respiratory illness (e.g. sore throat, cough or shortness of breath)?
  3. Have you had diarrhea illness within the past 48 hours?
  4. Have you traveled in the last 14 days AND become sick?
  5. Have you, a loved one or a close contact tested positive for COVID-19, Influenza or are sick?
  6. If you respond NO to each of these screening questions, please wash your hands or use our hand sanitizer before entering a client care area.

Tips for Staying Healthy

There are many precautions one can take to stay healthy to prevent general illness, as well as the Coronavirus. Here are some tips for basic universal precautions:

  1. Wash your hands frequently with soap for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer.
  2. Contain your cough and sneezes by using a tissue or your elbow instead of your hands.
  3. Avoid touching your face, including your eyes, nose and mouth.
  4. Get a flu shot right away if you haven’t received one yet this season.
  5. Do not share any drink or food with others.
  6. Clean and disinfect your environments at home, work and in your vehicle.
  7. Avoid contact with those who are sick.
  8. If you are a loved one is sick, stay home to prevent the spread of germs.

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